Yes – Stora Trenddagen 2021 will happen

For the tenth time Stora Trenddagen will take place. Everyone is asking. Will this event happen despite corona? The answer is of course “yes”. A full seminar with ideas and thoughts of where we are going with dreams, wishes, design and lifestyle. Now even more important with the collaboration with colour experts at NCS Colour giving the exact colour hues for 2022. Stora Trenddagen will be a digital seminar and the live event hopefully open to the public.

Photo by Emil Fagander and concept by NCS and myself. This images represents several things important for 2022. You can look at the colours and notice they basically represent edible things like beetroot, olives, bread and even pistacchio. But notice the shadows. Everything is remade and redone. Nothing is purchased new… And everything kind of looks sunkissed.

2022 will be a sunkissed year.

Stora Trenddagen will be done both as a live event and as a digital performance. Now in November the government in Sweden is limiting the number of seats we can have for the seminar, but regardless, the digital event is open to anyone.

And everyone (in Europe) who signs up for Stora Trenddagen will get the official colour guide or colour fan for 2022+. This will be sent to you before the date so you can sit and watch us reason and look at the colours hands on.

So, 90 minutes seminar with the official colours of 2022. Price 499 SEK or 49.90 euro. Book your ticket at:

And now also in English. Stora Trenddagen will be recorded on January 26 with a live audience (if we can) – both in Swedish and English. And on February 2nd we will do a digital session at a computer near you…

So sign up now. Get your colour codes and get ready to be filled with inspiration about life after corona.

Me and NCS for the official portrait… Kennet Vrågård and Elin Askfelt.

What differs NCS forecasting from mine is of course that they are much more skilled on exact colour hues while I have a more general overview. I really think we make a great team together.

So, briefly. Where are we with life? Especially after corona? Will we ever be shopping again?

Initially I will talk about how five things will set the agenda for everything. Community, activism, sustainability, health and beauty. These five drivers will be giving us the aesthetic trends:

Balearic Breeze
Earthy, sandy hues. Olive green. Camoflage. The life outdoor. Sunkissed. Ceramics and of course The Mediterraenean.

Beetroot balance
Hues inspired but edibles. Beetroot, pistacchio, bread. Balance and health. Balance in life and gardening. Not self-suffiecient but more from a learning perspective. Balance in colours.

Square one
We start fresh. Square one, as in chess. Sharp black and shap white. But together with dusty hues to create a contrast. Fresh. Crispy notes in cold blue or sharp raspberry red.

Comeback kid
The happy trend. Vintage and retro. Dashing 40s aesthetics and perhaps a wilder 80s flirt. Playful. Childish. Inspiration from kid’s drawings. 40s flower patterns. Roses.

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4 years ago

thanks for the information! Well done!