Coming up – Stora Trenddagen

It is the time of the year again. Time to launch the seminar with all the trends for coming years. Time for Stora Trenddagen.

All my preparations for my trend seminar is coming in place. Are you ready for January 23rd?

I did 18 fairs in 2024. From large ones like Milan Design Week to small versions in Prague and Palma. I have seen most of everything launched this year. Yes, almost everything possible.

Besides fairs I checked out the culture, retail, expericences and food at a numerous amound of cities. I must say I think Shanghai had the most interesting revelations. Sorry Tokyo.

I have also read most of all the reports out there. These reports give me statistics I can use for my report. Did you know that the number one fear brand owners have internationally is that end-consumer don’t want to spend.

And talked and talked. Thinking about trends is never a “one man’s job”. It’s a team effort. I have had two larger sessions. One cross disciplinary with experts on food, culture, technology etc, etc. And one with my international design experts above. Here you see Spain, Finland, France, Italy and Austria represented.

And of course with numerous other people. Like here with Sara when we talk about the colours.

Above the colour charts from previous years. During the first years I worked closely with NCS but since a bit back I do it on my own. The colour chart from lsat year (for 2025) was handpainted by colour brand Toniton.

And here it is. The new colour fan or colour deck. Eight colours per trend – and four trends. You do the math. My favourite? Always orange. Happy to see that orange is coming back.

And now I just need to go and get a new outfit. Or old one. Does anyone remember my see-trough shirt from 2023? Or how I stiched two t-shirts together as a recycle project? Or my feminist t-shirt? You are what you wear.

And I will continue with the thing I started last year. I want to include a secret guest. This guest will interpret my trends and make it into new products so you as a viewer can learn and be inspirerd.

Are you ready for a new start? I am.

Book your slot for Stora Trenddagen here.

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