Formland winter 2022

Corona restrictions are finally getting off the topic. Fairs are slowly but surely happening. My first fair for this year was Formland. Here is the report.

Formland in August last year was electric. That was the first event after summer and everyone was extremely optimistic. This fair is also one hundred percent positive and optimistic. Stockholm and Oslo closed their events so this is the only one in the region. And earlier in the week, the Copenhagen Fashion Week happened.

No official numbers yet, but indications are that 10 000 people came to Formland. People were really happy. Both buyers and exhibitors. I found some new brands but also old friends. Of course I would have like to see more of the Danish brands here. But absolutely good enough.

As always my friends at Pejgruppen is working with the trends here. And the Danes love colour. There is something with Denmark and colours. They have always been so good at that.

The large trend installation was as always done by studio FlyHelsted. They wanted to do something on curves and femininity.

And we can see the dominant colour orange. Coming strong.

Orange bed linnen at Essenza.

Orange glass by Au Maison

Green and orange tumblers by Kodenska

More lovely orange at Kodenska.

Orange glass by Hübsch.

I think it is interesting to see that this orange in these pictures – is a self confident orange. Not a shy orange. Very 70s. Of course you still see some terracotta and even red as in the picture above from Au Maison.

Besides orange I could also see a lot of denim in various degrees of intensity.

From the trend installation. A totally different atmosphere than with the orange. It’s like it is either cold or hot.

Same denim blue with Stelton.

Recycled glass at Lubech Living

And another candle holder from Au Maison. And this gives us a reason to talk about the material. Glass. The most dominant material at Formland was absolutely glass.

I would say that a lot of these glass objects look a bit vintage. And of course… In a world when people are vintage hunting, a solution for new products is to look like it is more vintage than it actually is. Here a vase at Hübsch.

Anna von Lipa

Hübsch again

Plain, rustic candle holders in glass at Broste.

And more organic shapes. Here at new found brand Stences.

Anna von Lipa again. There is something about these coloured tumblers. Here and with Kodanska.

Organic shapes and glass. I really liked these stackable glasses by Broste.

Speaking of things I like… Sustainability is of course relevant. I have seen it before but now it is a full commercial company. And that is interesting. Smallrevolution makes materials out of waste packaging. And now products. Here the podium.

A stool

And vases. I really liked it.

Another thing I really liked was this art kit by Kit Company. I just love that you can make your own art. For those who have heard my trend seminar, I really, really believe we will see more art projects in the near future.

Two last super findings… These broches. Come on!! It’s amazing. Looks like art and is super affordable. If I understood correctly the retail price should be about 50 euro. Agents in Denmark are Rafinee and the designers are Trovelore. Great. Fell in love.


Belgian designers behind brand Notadesk impressed me with their creativity. They have a collection of solutions for working at home. Here – put your laptop on a tripod, and when you are not using it – put in your closet. They had three innovative solutions. Loved it.


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3 years ago

great report, as usual!