Christmasword and Paperworld – sustainability

Each fair I attend I look at bit extra on how they handle sustainability. This time I look at Christmasworld and Paperworld.

All fairs have sustainability as a topic this year. Also these two fairs. I like Christmas and I like how our lifestyle is always interpreted into Christmas ornaments. As I have mentioned previously we can see emojis, yoga or all sorts of food. But sustainability is really really not visible at all. Not at all.

You can find natural elements like pine cones or stuff made of paper but basically noone talks about sustainability. Interesting and scary.

Last year I found Ukrainian brand Koza Dereza who makes sustainable ornaments and they are now available via Selfridges. They were here this year too – but I need more. Pretty disappointed.

But if you look at other objects around the holidays you can find sustainable candles and other stuff.

But very few actual ornaments. Here the UN project Made51 which make nice ornaments.

At Paperworld they are much more used to talk about these things. It’s like they have been working on this since the 80s. So here you find eco-friendly desk top design like pens.

There is still some experimentation with materials. Like making paper and cardboard out of apple waste.

And brands are fully targeting this topic with even vegan products.


You can find both extremely new ways of doing things, but also traditional ways like Korean project Hanji where the paper is made of bamboo similar materials.

So as a conclusion – Christmasworld vs Paperworld – the latter wins. I guess it is more sustainable to write a letter to Santa than decorate a tree. At least so far.

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